Thai golden oil massage

The golden oil massage technique does not differ from the massage with aromatic oils (aromatherapy), hot coconut oil or candle. The difference is only in the components used during the massage. The oil used contains gold and is a high-end oil with excellent cosmetic properties. Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Gold in oil has a beneficial effect on the skin, has very strong antioxidant properties - it effectively neutralizes free radicals. It also stimulates fibroblasts to produce collagen and elastin - the two main structures responsible for skin firmness and tension, thanks to which it stimulates the regeneration process, helping to reduce wrinkles. In addition, cosmetics containing gold brighten the skin, giving it a healthy, radiant and young look. This makes them ideal for people with visible signs of aging as well as for those who want to prevent signs of aging. Cosmetics with gold can be used to care for virtually any skin type. What's more, gold is neutral to the body (interestingly - naturally occurs in it), and therefore does not cause allergies. Can be used by people with sensitive and prone to irritation skin.

What are the benefits of golden oil massage?

  • brightens the skin;
  • reduces irritation and inflammation;
  • slows down skin aging;
  • improves skin firmness and elasticity, as well as muscles;
  • reduces pain;
  • deeply relaxes;
  • brings stress relief - calms the nervous system;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves mood and brings "lightness" of spirit and body.


  • recent operations - before the massage consultation with the attending physician is required;
  • active neoplastic disease - with some neoplastic diseases you can undergo massages, but for safety reasons you should consult your attending physician;
  • skin diseases (infectious) and non-infectious skin diseases with contraindications - before massage please inform us because some skin diseases look unsightly and the masseuse he may not know what the disease is and may be refusing a massage;
  • any contagious diseases - for the safety of therapists and other clients;
  • tuberculosis
  • heart disease;
  • overpressure
  • menstruation
  • acute colds, flu;